Atlantic Blue Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus) – Quick Stats
- Care Level: Moderate
- Temperament: Peaceful
- Diet: Herbivore
- Reef Safe: Yes
- Minimum Tank Size: 120 gallons
- Max Size: Up to 12 inches
- Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 72°F – 78°F
- Salinity: 1.020 – 1.025
- pH: 8.1 – 8.4
- Ammonia: 0 ppm
- Nitrite: 0 ppm
- Nitrate: < 10 ppm
Comprehensive Guide to the Atlantic Blue Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus)
The Atlantic Blue Tang is native to the reefs of the Western Atlantic Ocean, particularly found in the Caribbean Sea. It inhabits coral reefs and rocky areas with plenty of hiding spots.
Reef Safe
The Atlantic Blue Tang is generally considered reef-safe. However, caution should be exercised when keeping it with delicate corals, as it may nip at their polyps.
The Atlantic Blue Tang can grow up to 12 inches long, making it a relatively large fish for a home aquarium.
This species is known for its peaceful nature, making it suitable for community aquariums. However, it may become territorial towards other tangs or similar species.
Sexual Dimorphism
There are no significant visual differences between males and females of the Atlantic Blue Tang.
The Atlantic Blue Tang can live up to 20 years in the wild. They can live for a similar duration with proper care in a well-maintained aquarium.
Diet in Aquariums
The Atlantic Blue Tang is primarily herbivorous, feeding on various types of algae. In captivity, it should be offered a varied diet consisting of high-quality marine-based flakes, pellets, and frozen foods rich in algae and vegetable matter.
Aquascaping Recommendations
Provide plenty of live rock with crevices and caves to mimic the natural habitat of the Atlantic Blue Tang. This will offer them hiding spots and areas to graze on algae.
Captive Bred Availability
The Atlantic Blue Tang is occasionally available as captive-bred, although most individuals found in the aquarium trade are still wild-caught. Captive-bred specimens are generally hardier and better suited for aquarium life.
Compatibility with Other Fish, Invertebrates, or Corals
The Atlantic Blue Tang can be kept with other peaceful fish species in a large enough aquarium. It is generally compatible with most invertebrates and corals, but caution should be exercised when keeping it with delicate or small-polyped corals.
5 Recommended Tankmates
- Clownfish: They are peaceful and can form a symbiotic relationship with the Atlantic Blue Tang.
- Firefish: These colorful and peaceful fish make great tankmates for the Atlantic Blue Tang.
- Royal Dottyback: They are compatible in temperament and add vibrant color to the aquarium.
- Purple Tang: They belong to the same family and can coexist peacefully.
- Cleaner Shrimp: These invertebrates can help keep the Atlantic Blue Tang clean and free from parasites.
Other Common Names
The Atlantic Blue Tang is also known as the Blue Tang Surgeonfish or Blue Hippo Tang.
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Popular Questions and Answers
- Q: Can the Atlantic Blue Tang be kept in a smaller tank?
- A: Due to their large size and active nature, it is recommended to provide a minimum tank size of 120 gallons for the Atlantic Blue Tang.
- Q: How often should I feed my Atlantic Blue Tang?
- A: Feed your Atlantic Blue Tang small amounts of food multiple times daily to mimic their natural grazing behavior.
- Q: Will the Atlantic Blue Tang nip at corals?
- A: While considered reef safe, the Atlantic Blue Tang may nip at the polyps of delicate corals. It is important to monitor their behavior and provide suitable alternatives for grazing.
- Q: Can the Atlantic Blue Tang be kept with aggressive fish?
- A: Keeping the Atlantic Blue Tang with aggressive or territorial fish is not recommended, as they may become stressed or injured.
- Q: How can I prevent ich (white spot disease) in my Atlantic Blue Tang?
- A: Maintaining proper water quality, providing a balanced diet, and quarantining new additions can help prevent ich and other common diseases in the Atlantic Blue Tang.
Remember, the Atlantic Blue Tang requires a well-maintained aquarium with proper filtration, regular water changes, and suitable tankmates to thrive in captivity. If you want to add this beautiful fish to your saltwater aquarium, consider purchasing from for a reliable source of healthy specimens.
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