Shaggy (Hispid) Anglerfish – (Antennarius hispidus)
Quick Stats:
- Care Level: Intermediate
- Temperament: Semi-aggressive
- Diet: Carnivorous
- Reef Safe: No
- Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
- Max Size: Up to 8 inches
- Water Parameters: Temperature: 75-80°F, Salinity: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4, Ammonia/Nitrite: 0, Nitrate: <10ppm
Comprehensive Guide: Shaggy (Hispid) Anglerfish – Antennarius hispidus
The Shaggy Anglerfish, also known as the Hispid Anglerfish, is commonly found in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region. It inhabits coral reefs, rocky crevices, and sandy bottoms, where it camouflages itself amongst the surrounding environment.
Reef Safe
The Shaggy Anglerfish is not considered reef safe. It has a tendency to eat smaller fish and invertebrates that may reside in a reef environment.
The Shaggy Anglerfish can reach a maximum size of around 8 inches in captivity.
This species is semi-aggressive and territorial. It may not tolerate the presence of similar-looking fish or other bottom-dwelling species.
Sexual Dimorphism
The Shaggy Anglerfish exhibits sexual dimorphism, with females being larger and bulkier compared to males.
The average lifespan of the Shaggy Anglerfish in captivity is around 5-8 years, depending on proper care and tank conditions.
Diet in Aquariums
The diet of the Shaggy Anglerfish primarily consists of small fish and crustaceans. In an aquarium environment, it can be fed a variety of live or frozen meaty foods, such as small shrimp, fish, and krill. Feeding should be done with caution, taking care not to overfeed or underfeed the fish.
Aquascaping Recommendations
When setting up the aquarium for the Shaggy Anglerfish, it is important to provide plenty of hiding spots and caves. Utilizing live rock and providing ample substrate will allow the anglerfish to blend into its surroundings and feel secure.
Captive Bred Availability
The Shaggy Anglerfish is rarely available as captive-bred. Most individuals available in the aquarium trade are wild-caught specimens.
Compatibility with Other Fish, Invertebrates, or Corals
Due to their predatory nature, the Shaggy Anglerfish should be kept with caution in a community aquarium. It may prey on smaller fish and invertebrates. However, if properly selected tankmates are chosen, the anglerfish can coexist peacefully. Five suitable tankmates include:
- Clownfish – They are larger and more resilient, making them less likely to be targeted by the anglerfish.
- Gobies – They stay closer to the substrate, reducing the chances of interaction with the anglerfish.
- Wrasses – Select species of wrasses can coexist with the anglerfish, as long as they are not too small or slow-moving.
- Triggerfish – With their larger size and aggressive nature, triggerfish can hold their own against the anglerfish.
- Angelfish – Certain species of angelfish can be compatible with the anglerfish, as long as they are not overly aggressive or territorial.
When introducing any tankmates, close monitoring is necessary to ensure compatibility and to prevent any aggression or predation.
Other Common Names
The Shaggy Anglerfish is also commonly known as the Hispid Anglerfish, Shaggy Frogfish, and Shaggy Angler.
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Popular Questions and Answers:
1. What is the ideal tank size for the Shaggy Anglerfish?
The minimum tank size recommended for a Shaggy Anglerfish is 30 gallons. However, a larger tank with ample hiding spots and swimming space is preferred.
2. Can the Shaggy Anglerfish be kept with other angelfish species?
While certain angelfish species may be compatible with the Shaggy Anglerfish, careful consideration should be given to their individual behaviors and temperament. Aggressive or territorial angelfish may not be suitable tankmates.
3. How often should I feed my Shaggy Anglerfish?
Feeding frequency for the Shaggy Anglerfish can vary depending on its appetite and growth rate. Generally, 2-3 small meals per day are recommended, ensuring the fish is not overfed.
4. Is the Shaggy Anglerfish prone to any specific diseases?
Like most saltwater fish, the Shaggy Anglerfish can be susceptible to common marine diseases such as marine ich or bacterial infections. Maintaining proper water quality, regular observation, and quarantine protocols can help prevent and address possible health issues.
5. Can the Shaggy Anglerfish change its coloration?
Yes, the Shaggy Anglerfish has the ability to change its coloration and pattern to match its surroundings. This camouflaging behavior helps it blend into its environment and aids in hunting.
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